Day 3

Imagine what you would write if you were totally free to say anything you wanted without worry or fear or inhibition or tact or appropriateness. And then freewrite* until the timer goes off.

All this talk about fear has got me feeling fearful. I don’t really want to say outlandish and shocking things or cross any taboos but I must admit that I do stay my hand when i think about writing about other peoples ecperiences. I  think about how easy it is to upset people but twisting their truth just a little to punch up the story but doing it so badly it blows up, its just awful. I know i have to use my life experiences and that includes my friends and what they did too but i dislike the idea of grinding their bones to make mum bread. this is the big thing that gets me. imagine writing a sex scene and they your dad reads it. Yuck. or writing a bitter conflict between mother and daughter and using lines you know you’ve said in anger and then watching your mums face as she reads the words and feels the hurt all over again because this isn’t the argument she was in - this one is twisted and turned to be seen only from a younger angrier point of view, to read the lessons you tried to impart as twisted and and irrational diktats and you see your point went sailing over the head of the child you love and hatching them turn it into something shameful and sad. Awful, 

It would be fine because if it wasn’t we wouldn’t have the wonderful storied that ring try and resonate within our losses . it is only in this baring that we can find truth s that speak to us all. we need to tell each others stories it is vital because there is another side - there is the side where you make someone you love wine and sparkle as you gild them gloriously on the page - uncovering those precious moments the ones that made you love each other, the warm glow that suffuses the skin when you are held in the arms of the one you love. sharing those small intimate moments and making them universal can be an act of celenbratimn