Day 12

Set the timer for 15 Earth minutes.

Take the protagonist from your current WIP, or a character you've been obsessing over and see if you can explore their story from the perspective of three other nearby characters.

The other characters can be emotionally close (mother, brother) or just adjacent in the story world (creep watching it unfold through binoculars, waitress who sees the protag once a day).


Fucking Cordelia. Always daddy’s little precious. He prizes her higher than the kingdom and yet here I sit, by his right hand, just wishing he would turn my way. Everything she wants she gets and I have to beg for scraps. I am full of fury and I don’t know what to do with it. I twist my skirts into ribbons as he dotes on her. I can taste my bile as it rises in my throat watching the two of them together. An idiot and his caged bird. She gets everything she wants. Everything. 

I could love Francois and I know that we would make an exceptional match but no, he holds him back for his precious little Cordelia. I am the oldest sister, surely I should be the one whose marriage unites France and Britain - what can she possibly offer him? She is little more than a child and I know far more than she does how to entertain another monarch. France should be mine but instead I am offered Albany. Where even is it? How is this the match he makes for his first born daughter. I know it is monstrous but I feel my hatred for my father growing day by day. After all, I am the one who will get the kingdom when he is gone, not her. It is the law, not his choosing that makes it so. What monstrous lies would he have to tell to change the state of our nation to let her rule?


My sister scares me. She doesn’t know that I see how she looks at daddy but I do. I mean, I have some sympathy. Once Cordy enters the room it’s like all the lights go out and there she is in the spotlight. He only has eyes for her. I think he would be well advised to look to his eldest once in a while - the look on G’s face is dangerous, like she would burn the whole country to ashes just to spite them.  

I don’t mind so much. Daddy doesn’t really care for me, I know that but the other two are just obsessed with him. I know this leaves me unseen but there are many things a girl can do in the dark, and I’ve tried most of them. It’s amazing what you can get away with when no-one is looking. Cordelia, with her fair complexion and weak constitution would do well to check her wine glass once in a while just to see what’s in it. And it’s so funny to watch G seethe when she sees once of her precious trinkets has somehow made its way to Cordelia’s room once again. Just so long as she doesn’t work out that it’s me doing the moving.